Answers to the frequently asked questions about the plot maintenance in Emerald Enclave:
Is maintenance needed at all considering teak trees grow naturally in the forests?
We have achieved far better rate of tree growth in EMERALD ENCLAVE than in natural forests. This is despite the fact that the original conditions in natural forests are far more suitable for tree growth than the original conditions here.
Forests get higher rainfall distributed over longer period and have much more fertile soil than at EMERALD ENCLAVE. However we have simulated superior conditions here through drip irrigation, initial application of manure, later mulching with decaying weeds, grass etc, timely pruning and various other activities covered under plot maintenance. In addition it can be appreciated by seeing the enclosed photographs that in case of un-maintained /abandoned plots the trees have not only stopped growing but the stems are being eaten by white ants threatening to leave nothing shortly. There is also a great risk of fire in un-maintained plots posing threat to adjacent plots and the whole ENCLAVE. Also the commercial value of plots is reduced on account of these un-maintained plots.
We have achieved far better rate of tree growth in EMERALD ENCLAVE than in natural forests. This is despite the fact that the original conditions in natural forests are far more suitable for tree growth than the original conditions here.
During the last ten years have maintained trees grown better than those which are not maintained at all?
Attached set of photographs clearly show the difference the plot maintenance makes. It needs no explanation to find out which plots are maintained - it is as easy as to find out which side of the bread is buttered. The proof of the impact of maintenance is visible in superior growth and higher value achieved.
During the last ten years have maintained trees grown better than those which are not maintained at all?
Attached set of photographs clearly show the difference the plot maintenance makes. It needs no explanation to find out which plots are maintained - it is as easy as to find out which side of the bread is buttered. The proof of the impact of maintenance is visible in superior growth and higher value achieved.
What is the maintenance charge per plot?
At present we charge Rs. 750/- per month per plot of 80’X120’. However this is payable in advance for a period of three years i.e. Rs. 27,000/- per plot is to be paid while entrusting the maintenance.
However in case of abandoned plots - plots not maintained for over one year - an additional payment of Rs. 9,000/- to be made while entrusting maintenance. This is to replace the drip irrigation system and bring the plot to maintained level by thorough clearing.
What is the maintenance charge per plot?
At present we charge Rs. 750/- per month per plot of 80’X120’. However this is payable in advance for a period of three years i.e. Rs. 27,000/- per plot is to be paid while entrusting the maintenance.
However in case of abandoned plots - plots not maintained for over one year - an additional payment of Rs. 9,000/- to be made while entrusting maintenance. This is to replace the drip irrigation system and bring the plot to maintained level by thorough clearing.
What are the services / products that are covered by this payment?
The maintenance charge of Rs. 750/- per month covers the following,
a. Maintenance of irrigation bore-wells, payment of power charges for the bore-well pump-sets, maintenance of waterlines up to the plots and ensuring regular supply of water (about 2,000 lits per day, per plot) to the plots. Cost Rs. 250/- per month.
b. Checking the drip irrigation system inside the plots, repair/cleaning/replacement of damaged, worn-out or unserviceable parts and ensuring discharge of 4.00 liters/hour of water to each tree. Cost Rs. 250/- per month.
c. Cleaning / weeding the plot once in three months by cutting the grass and clearing unwanted plant growth. Cost Rs.200/- PM.
d. Supervisor salaries Rs. 50/- PM.
What are the services / products that are covered by this payment?
The maintenance charge of Rs. 750/- per month covers the following,
a. Maintenance of irrigation bore-wells, payment of power charges for the bore-well pump-sets, maintenance of waterlines up to the plots and ensuring regular supply of water (about 2,000 lits per day, per plot) to the plots. Cost Rs. 250/- per month.
b. Checking the drip irrigation system inside the plots, repair/cleaning/replacement of damaged, worn-out or unserviceable parts and ensuring discharge of 4.00 liters/hour of water to each tree. Cost Rs. 250/- per month.
c. Cleaning / weeding the plot once in three months by cutting the grass and clearing unwanted plant growth. Cost Rs.200/- PM.
d. Supervisor salaries Rs. 50/- PM.
Who is to be contacted when a plot owner wants to visit the plot?
There is no such person to be available whenever the plot owner visits the plot and this service of providing a person is not included against the amount received for plot maintenance.
This in fact is a conflicting issue as many plot owners expect a responsible person to be present during their visit to their plot which is usually in late hours or on holidays. We are maintaining around one hundred plots and receive Rs. 50,000/- towards it. A responsible person who can guide and explain to the plot owner properly will have to be paid at least Rs. 15,000/- and to be available 24X7 at least two such persons will need to be employed costing Rs.30,000/- per month. This makes it unfeasible to provide this usually expected service.
It becomes inevitable therefore that the plot owner has to bring the layout plan with his plot marked in it if he has difficulty in identifying his plot.
Who is to be contacted when a plot owner wants to visit the plot?
There is no such person to be available whenever the plot owner visits the plot and this service of providing a person is not included against the amount received for plot maintenance.
This in fact is a conflicting issue as many plot owners expect a responsible person to be present during their visit to their plot which is usually in late hours or on holidays. We are maintaining around one hundred plots and receive Rs. 50,000/- towards it. A responsible person who can guide and explain to the plot owner properly will have to be paid at least Rs. 15,000/- and to be available 24X7 at least two such persons will need to be employed costing Rs.30,000/- per month. This makes it unfeasible to provide this usually expected service.
It becomes inevitable therefore that the plot owner has to bring the layout plan with his plot marked in it if he has difficulty in identifying his plot.
Why the plots are filled with weeds & thorns and appear unclean many a times during our visit?
We spend Rs. 200/- PM towards cleaning the plots by clearing grass, weeds, thorns etc -referring details in reply to Q 4. Now one laborer costs Rs. 200 per day. We engage three man-days once in three months for plot cleaning. However within 15 days the weeds and the grass start growing back specially during the rainy season. This does make the plot look unclean.
However this kind of growth is harmless to the trees and these weeds and grass when cleared and heaped between the trees-mulched- provide the much needed biomass for healthy tree growth. It would take plot cleaning every fifteen days to keep them clean and presentable. But this would not only make maintenance expensive but also uneconomical considering that there is no commercial value generated by this thorough cleaning.
Why the plots are filled with weeds & thorns and appear unclean many a times during our visit?
We spend Rs. 200/- PM towards cleaning the plots by clearing grass, weeds, thorns etc -referring details in reply to Q 4. Now one laborer costs Rs. 200 per day. We engage three man-days once in three months for plot cleaning. However within 15 days the weeds and the grass start growing back specially during the rainy season. This does make the plot look unclean.
However this kind of growth is harmless to the trees and these weeds and grass when cleared and heaped between the trees-mulched- provide the much needed biomass for healthy tree growth. It would take plot cleaning every fifteen days to keep them clean and presentable. But this would not only make maintenance expensive but also uneconomical considering that there is no commercial value generated by this thorough cleaning.
Will you plant/maintain Coconut trees or other fruit bearing trees?
The Maintenance cost covers only the maintenance of the hundred teak trees and we will not plant and maintain any fruit trees or coconut trees.
Will you plant/maintain Coconut trees or other fruit bearing trees?
The Maintenance cost covers only the maintenance of the hundred teak trees and we will not plant and maintain any fruit trees or coconut trees.
Terms of plot maintenance at Emerald Enclave
The plots in
Emerald Enclave are maintained by a self-help group headed by Mr. Honnaih and
referred to as the “Maintenance Group” or MG in short and is coordinated by V RVenugopal.
MG shall
execute and provide the following the works and services on entrustment of
a. Ensuring of watering of the
plants through drip irrigation,
b. Weeding around the teak trees
once every three months.
c. Clearing bushes and shrubs in the plot once every
three months
d. Trimming side branches of teak
trees once a year at fall.
e. Maintaining the rainwater harvesting system such
that no rainwater flows out of the
f. Providing security to the vacant plot against encroachments
g. Ensuring the dimensions of the
The cost of maintenance for a standard plot measuring 9,600 sft is Rs. 9,000/- per annum. This is to be paid in advance for a period of three years (i.e. Rs. 27,000/-) along with a maintenance order duly signed by the plot owner accepting the terms and conditions.
If the plot is not under maintenance since a period
exceeding one year an additional “one-time cost” of Rs. 9000/- is to be paid as
the cost of bringing the plot and the drip irrigation system to proper order.
payment is to be made by cash or DD/cheque payable to “EMERALD ENCLAVE”and
mailed to, reach V R Venugopal. #11, Emerald Enclave, Belagola Post, S R Patna
The plot owner can periodically assess the quality of maintenance through inspection. However the cost of maintenance does not include the cost of providing escort and presence of supervisory staff, or anyone else at the time of visit by the plot owners to their plot.
cost also does not include provision of transport facility to the plot owner to
visit their plots.
of the MG for having received the maintenance charges is limited only to
returning pro-rata the maintenance charge for the rest of the period whenever
the plot owner is not satisfied with the work of MG and wants to terminate its
service. The additional onetime payment of Rs. 9,000/- is non-returnable.
if the plot owners feel they cannot identify their plot when they come for a
visit, MG offers to fix a specially designed gate with the name of the owner
and plot number for their plot on it. The cost of this gate measuring 2½’ X 6’
is Rs. 6,000/- payable in same form as the maintenance charges.
If at any time the plot owner is not happy with the
maintenance done, the plot owner shall write to either V R Venugopal or M
Honnaiah at # 11, Emerald Enclave, Belagola Post, S R Patna taluk,571606,
seeking explanation reserving the right to terminate the maintenance and demand
refund of the charges paid for the rest of the period. MG retains the right to
refuse explaining over telephone or in person.
MG also reserves the right to terminate the maintenance work undertaken by it by giving one-month notice
and returning the pro-rata cost of maintenance for the rest of the period.

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